Best AI And Machine Learning Content Marketing Tools in 2021

Machine learning content marketing tools improve your business by helping you make more strategic and effective choices by shortening tasks and providing consistent content for various mediums.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning tools can help you with content creation and content strategy but not with actual human instincts. There are certain machine learning and content marketing tools that are skyrocketing in the making marketing a success.


Grammarly is a tool that checks your spelling and grammar in no time and offers helpful suggestions instantly to make your content perfect. It is like a traditional spell checker as it works in multiple browsers and tools. Grammarly not only checks if the spellings are wrong or phrases are grammatically correct, but it also offers amazing features like context-specific suggestions, including style suggestions, being the most surprising features of Grammarly’s artificial intelligence tools.

Atomic Reach

Atomic reach AI rewrites your content in a style your audience prefers to be written. Atomic reach rewrite content using clear and concise language. Surprisingly atomic reach optimizes content performance within a click of a button. It uncovers your insights into why your content is performing and integrates seamlessly into your workflow. Atomic Reach’s artificial intelligence in marketing analyzes your data from your content marketing and then delivers effective suggestions to select effective content.


Textmetric is an augmented data-driven language analysis writing platform that helps you write effective, accurate, and high-quality content. During the writing process, textmetric reads along, analyzes your text, and offers real-time improvement suggestions about your content. Textmetric solves low quality of communication, SEO optimization to generate more traffic and better text quality. You can even reach your targeted audience with the right content, and with the help of textmetrics, you can meet your goals. is another powerful content engine that enables professionals and businesses to research and publish content through its content tool. It offers professionals to share important ideas with the right audiences, allowing them to create better content. has features that allow you to increase credibility with readers. It can also increase brand awareness. creates engaging web pages from your chosen content, plus it also Improves your social channels with curated content. 

There is a bundle of more AI and machine learning platforms such as Tensorflow, PyTorch, KNIME, Instatext, Chartfuel, and Yotpo, etc., that you must look into!

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