Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality – Challenges and Concerns

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are two argumentative technologies of the future. The difference between them is that Augmented Reality technology inlays digital objects in real life; however, Virtual Reality is a simulation technology to create another environment. Accordingly, these two technologies can be used in many different areas of life like mobile games, Décor, medicine, marketing, purchasing, navigation, etc. Nevertheless, there are some challenges in the adoption of AR and VR.

Challenges faced in the adoption of AR and VR

First off, the mainstream of Augmented Reality disputes usage issues and safety risks. To clarify, the implementation cost is out of reach for most people, and creating content by the developers is complicated. Furtherly, users find inconvenience in the using process, besides the displaying visuals, accuracy issues, and their lack of awareness may lead to concerns about privacy and security. Because of the modernness of the technology, there is a need for hardware enhancement and creating regulations that can ensure the privacy and security of consumer data. The technology can also be used with malicious intent. Its applications can lead to serious injuries if used in potentially risky environments such as busy roads, construction sites, and medical institutions.

Challenges in the adoption of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

In the second place, Virtual Reality has some technical hurdles to be adapted. A significant problem is motion/ simulator sickness; this technology headset use can cause headaches, dizziness, disorientation, and nausea. Another issue is the screen-door Effect. They are “lines” in between the displayed pixels of the image. The constant watch may harm the brain, especially for children. The difference between the distances in the real-life and the distances in virtual reality. Although this technology requires a movement mechanism to help the gap between the two environment spaces, this may not be considered a sufficient solution as some users do not like long walks.

Moreover, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality partake in effects concerning health in the long-term and short term if the user is pregnant, elderly, or heart-diseased. The final worry is Cannibalization, the reduction of the sales of a company’s products due to its introduction of another similar product; the low-end headset is better for the consumers than the higher-end model. Therefore, the headset market will settle for the lowest.

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